Jawaja Project of Ravi Matthai
T. V. Rao
(a short version of this appeared in IIMA Alumnus)
Jawaja started as a project in Educational Innovations in
Rajasthan and not a Rural Development Project. Eventually it got to be known
as a Rural Development Project and Ravi (Matthai) did not object to it as the “Rural
Development Group” at IIMA started taking interest in it four years after the
project was initiated and they worked closely with Ravi. In my view it still is
an Education project and it makes a lot of difference how you view it. I give
below a little bit of history to put things in the right perspective before the
memory is lost.
After Ravi stepped out as Director, he was interested in perusing
professionalization of Management to Education sector. I was recruited to work
in this sector. The Education Systems Unit was formed at IIMA in 1973 with Ravi
Matthai, Udai Pareek and T. V. Rao as members and Udai Pareek as coordinator. Ravi
and Udai had their own ideas of Professionalising management of education. I
thought they meant to make education systems more relevant, innovative, define
their goals properly and achieve them well with the involvement of all faculty
and perhaps using the lessons from managing IIMA which by then was a great
success story.
The team of the three of us deliberated for a few months
about the work we should be doing in Education and identified the following
To work with a University and explore professionalising
the Management of the University
To work with a college, a school or other
educational institutions
To work with a state department of Education and
initiate innovations.
For the Universities, we were asked by the then newly formed Gujarat
Agricultural University (V. R. Mehta Vice Chancellor invited us) to help them
to study their decision making systems and organizational structure and suggest
mechanisms to make it more integrated. GAU was formed with merging of three campuses
and each campus had a Director campus and there were many issues of
integration. The work went on for nearly two years and some small experiments
were done and this was followed by MPKV Agricultural University in Maharashtra.
The MPKV project was done by Udai, Ravi, SP Agarwal and Ranjit Gupta. The
details of our work in both the Universities are given in the book on
Management Processes in Universities by Ravi Matthai, Udai Pareek and T. V. Rao
(Oxford & IBH).
For colleges we did some work with St. Xavier’s college in
preparing themselves for autonomy which they did not get until many years later
and the project had to be dropped after some initial work. We also organised a
program on Institution Building in Education and research attended by Kamla,
Yash Pal, Alag, Nayudamma, Ishwar, Dharni Sinha and many others. The book is
published by AIMA. We also started a program for Heads of Institutions on
“Managing Change in Higher Education”. Ravi was also helping NCL, Pune and NID
at this time. We did a self- renewal workshop for Sanawar School and also
shared with the Indian Public Schools Association. Shomie Das actively promoted
this work.
It was the third type of work that lead to Jawaja project
years later. We were looking for people from any state government to invite us
to undertake this work. The three of us were invited in 1974 to attend a meeting
at the Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (now known as
NIEPA University, Ministry of HRD) a New Delhi sponsored by UNESCO. The same
workshop was also being attended by Mrs. Chitra Naik then Director of Education
in Maharashtra and Anil Bordia Joint Secretary Education, Ministry of Education, New Delhi. Ravi and Udai knew all these people and
expressed their desire to work with a State department. We had a meeting with
J. P. Naik, Anil Bordia, Chitra Naik and the three of us to discuss the plan of
action. The meeting took place in Connaught place in Nirulla Restaurant over
lunch as we had to go out from the seminar for the discussions. During the
meeting Mrs. Naik offered Maharashtra as a place for our work. We did not know
what exactly we wanted to do but merely said we like to assist in professionalising
management through some innovations. It was during this lunch Anil Bordia
offered that Rajasthan is a ripe place for our work . As there is already a
“High Power Committee” in education with the Minister of Education as Chairman
and they have already submitted a report of educational reforms in Rajasthan
and there is a lot of scope for innovations in Rajasthan. He suggested that he
can get the Government of Rajasthan to extend all support and if we can study
it and help them implement it will meet our objective and the State
department’s. J P Naik (member Secretary, ICSSR) offered to support it as a
Research Project. The meeting ended with
the agreement that the work will be done in Rajasthan and the task will be to
help the government of Rajasthan to implement the High Power committee report
and the project will be called as “educational Innovations in Rajasthan.” A
steering Committee was also formed with Ravi, Udai, T. V. Rao, J. P. Naik,
Chitra Naik, Anil Bordia, Inderjit Khanna (Director Education) at that time to
keep meeting once in a while and review the progress.
A sum of Rupees 50,000 was sanctioned by ICSSR to the
project “Educational Innovations in Rajasthan” to meet the travel and living
expenses of the Education Systems Unit form IIMA with Ravi Matthai as the
Project Director.
We all met again in Delhi first and again in Jaipur to begin
the work. The High power committee identified many issues which are still
issues: these included low school enrolment and high drop outs, poor enrolment
of girls, location and up gradation of schools, teacher transfers and transfer
policies, quality of teachers and teaching, supervision and guidance to schools
by educational administrators etc. After studying the report we identified the
school drop outs and quality of education as major area. The three of us chose
the Ajmer and Jaipur districts of Rajasthan to understand the situation. We interviewed the top level Administrators
and also visited many schools and villages. We concluded that the educational
administrators had little time to guide the teachers as they are mostly busy in
administration and particularly teacher transfers and appointments and rarely
visited the schools to see what is happening. We also discovered that the
schools are not seen as places of relevance and villagers questioned the kind
of education given to the children. In fact they said that school education the
way it was being given was responsible for the unemployment as their wards who
went to school stopped working in the farms and also cannot get any jobs. We
concluded that if school enrolment has to be improved as desired by the High
Power committee the education and especially what is being taught has to be
made more relevant.
We worked out a three pronged strategy to help high power committee
recommendations implemented. First was to release the administrative burden of
the Educational administrators by forming right policies and the use of Technology.
Prof. T. P. Rama Rao and I worked on developing a computer model for teacher
transfers and also for location of schools. The Dharampur Project experience
came in handy for location of schools. The
Minister of Education Rajasthan even visited IIMA to see the Dhrampur model and
understand how teacher transfers through computes can ease the administrative
burden. Of course the government may not have been convinced as perhaps using computerised
(MIS) for teacher transfers is not
desirable as it is losing control over teacher transfers. We in fact explained that
every teacher transfer is accompanied by three to four unnecessary transfers
due to limited and faulty MIS. This remained only as en experience and the
reports are still available in IIMA of the two projects.
We were set out to turn and study three districts of Rajasthan
but we got a clear picture after a tour of Ajmer district and Jaipur City. We
did not even get to tour the other districts.
Ravi said that education has become irrelevant for the villagers.
It has to be made more relevant and our work should be to demonstrate how to make
education more relevant to people in rural areas. It is this issue that has led
to a series of other questions. Ravi also felt that to make it relevant we have
to identify local resources and create value addition in ways that the people
can experience the same. It has to be done by and through the education
department. We felt that this cannot be done by mere recommendations to the government
as they already have plenty of them but through demonstration. We should demonstrate
to them how to identify local resources, how to add value and how to make
education linked to economic activity.
Ajmer was chosen to demonstrate this. I still remember Ravi making a
comment: We will demonstrate this in Ajmer District in six months and extend it
to the remaining three districts in three years and leave it for the Government
to extend it to the rest of the state. I was too young to have any views on
this plan. It was an experience to work with Ravi and I used to hear him and
watch with admiration what he is trying
to do.
After touring round Ajmer district we chose the Jawaja block
for the following reasons: it is backward and at the same time had some
resources like agriculture (tomatoes used to be sold at Rs 2.5 a basket of some
5 to 10 kgs), sheep, tendu leaves etc. which were amenable for economic
activity. Local occupations like weaving, leather work is on traditional methods
and is amenable for modernisation. These
and other details are documented in some of the case studies (See for example
the case study on Educational Innovations for Rural development by T V Rao) and
the book on “The Rural University” by Ravi Matthai. When we presented our ideas
to the ICSSR Committee in the District Collector’s office in Ajmer (R. S. Kumat
was the District Collector), the committee including Anil Bordia were not
convinced but said that Ravi and team should go ahead and do whatever they felt
right but this may not help the High power committee much. Ravi argued that
there is no easy solution to implement the committee report unless the basic
issues are settled. I think it is at this time the ICSSR committee started
losing their interest except J. P. Naik who worked all his life on education
issues. I remember JP visiting IIMA a few years later and my taking him out to
Vishala for a dinner and having a long chat on these issues.
We were set out to use Jawaja as an experimental Block to
demonstrate how education (primary and basic) can be made relevant to masses.
We tried many experiments including forming farmers; cooperative in Agriculture
Produce, Dairying, Beedi making with tendu leaves, teaching new weaving skills to a group of defunct
weavers form cooperative society in Beawar Khas, and training a group of
leather workers in leather processing suing modern methods and making new types
of products etc. In all these
experiments the Education Department including the teachers and Deputy Education
Inspector of Schools from Beawar used to accompany us. Many workshops were
conducted to motivate school teachers to participate in the economic activity mobilisation
and curriculum development. For example a number of them participated in conducting
night classes in villages for mobilising Farmers producing tomatoes to form a
Society and sell their produce directly to City markets. Of all these, what
stayed on was only skill building of a group of weavers and leather workers. These
are the products which get even today exhibited by AAJ (Artisans alliance,
Ravi suffered a heart attack during one of the exhibitions
of the Jawaja products in Mumbai. Subsequently the need for developing the
marketing skills of the NID developed artisans to market their products, teaching them accounting,
managing their accounts helping them take loans from banks, working out
repayment schedules, etc. became main tasks. Both Udai and I dropped out from
active involvement of the project and Tushar Moulik and Ranjit Gupta started participating
actively in it and working with AAJ. Finally only Ranjit stayed and from NID it
was Ashok Chatterjee who continued to involvement in Jawaja passionately.
I think Jawaja is experiment. It is an experience worth
going over again and again to learn lessons. Years later Anil Bordia after
retiring from Civil service started a project called Lok Jumbish trying to mass
replicate some of the aspects of what Ravi Experimented.
I have personally learnt many lessons from this. Many may
not know that Ravi was Chairman of SWRC Tilonia which was being managed by
Bunker and Aruna Roy at that time. We visited them in 1975 and it is their
continued effort and continued presence that has lead to the current status.
Jawaja did not have any presence of its people in the place like Tilonia had
Bunker and Aruna. It is because Jawaja was not an experiment in rural
development but an experiment in Educational Innovations and solving educational
issues by making education more relevant to masses using local resources.
Recently even Inderjit Khanna tried out with the help of Mittal Foundation to
do similar things with college students. I understand that it could not be
extended the way it was planned. This is because we live in a complex world. We
need to learn lot. Experiments should not be treated as successes or failures
merely on the basis of some prejudged outcomes expected and the learning should
in any case be not undermined.
Jawaja produced many people who learnt a lot from it and are
helping others. Mehmood Khan, Brian Pinto, Subramnaim (MIDS), Arvind Khare, and
several others associated with Jawaja have contributed in their own ways to the
society from their earnings. NID continues to get involved in the same.
Perhaps if Ravi was set out to do rural development he would
have done it definitely in a different way. He was struggling to give a new
meaning to education for masses and for the poorest of the poor and make education
more relevant through economic activity. He did not have much of an idea when
he was set out what it means to make education more relevant to masses. For
that matter even those like me who were born and brought up in rural areas and
even the government does not have much of an idea of how to design and manage
education to make it more relevant to masses and how to create economic
activity at local level. There are only experiments and thoughts. If any
government or any NGO or any agency had a workable solution to this issue they
would have done it long ago. There are experiments and experiments and no
comprehensive and quick solutions to this issue.
The concept of
self-reliance was at the heart of the Jawaja experiment: education that could
help those whose lives are directed by others to take greater charge and make
choices, and then realize at least some of the choices they make --- and do
this without even greater dependence on others. The article “The Rural University”
written by Ravi at that time explains the education system he had in mind very
succinctly. This article was circulated by many Vice Chancellors in those days
to their entire faculty. The fact that there was no one based in Jawaja unlike
Tilonia was deliberate, and the fact that the artisans managed for many years
without IIMA and NID support is also significant --- self-reliance, genuinely.
The fact that those Ravi chose to work with were at the very bottom of a highly
discriminatory social structure is noteworthy.
Jawaja experiment had a lot of influence on so many others --- The ‘bottom
of the pyramid’ thinking is said to have begun with Jawaja. Vijay Mahajan was deeply influenced by Jawaja
experiment in starting and managing Pradan. The project learning had a ripple
effect beyond the IIMA family into so many institutions that have altered the
course of development thinking in the country including Pradan, Utthan, NID and
many others including the Crafts Council of India and so many others through
the demonstration as well as ‘Jawaja alumni’. As Ashok Chatterjee former
Director NID puts it “the impact on NID
was profound, influencing the way design education has been structured ever
since. Ravi’s involvement with NID is another whole story. It might not have
existed today but for him, and his contribution is scarcely remembered beyond
the Jawaja connection. In Jawaja, he gave NID a chance to test the relevance of
design at the gut level of Indian poverty --- the single most important
demonstration ever, to date. The demonstration came at a time of institutional
crisis where the self-worth of an institution was at stake. And that of course
was one of the intentions of The Rural University idea: to test the relevance
of new disciplines emerging in the country and of young professionals from
management and design to serve India’s most basic needs of livelihoods and
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