2000: Lessons for India
V. Rao
Chairman, TVRLS
Raju Rao
The American Society for
Training and Development held its annual convention this time in Dallas , USA . It is estimated that about 17,000 delegates
attended the convention. The convention lasted for full seven days including
two full days of pre-conference workshops. A special feature of the convention
is the Expo, which had about 600 exhibitors of all forms of HRD and Management
development products and services. The exhibitors were largely consultants,
publishers and software specialists. Large delegations from countries like Malaysia , Korea , South
Africa etc. could be seen in the conference. These groups were specially
recognized at the ASTD conference. India had a participation of about
15 delegated from over eight organizations (L&T, Sundram Group, BPCL,
Monsanto, TVRLS, HLL, etc.). L&T, ECC's arrangements with ASTD to offer
concessional delegate fee even for those registering on the spot facilitated a
good part of the Indian Delegation.
did ASTD Claim to offer? some quotations from Chair, ASTD Board of Directors
" Throughout every day
life we all face the need to multitask and multifocus. In the morning, few of
us are able to just sit and have a quiet breakfast. On the way to work, the
cell phone jump-starts our working day. In the office, it is difficult to
complete a conversation without interruptions and multiple claims on our time.
We have to manage these pressures against new and demanding standards of
performance. The same multitask and multi-focus approach is true of our
professional activities. We are expected to identify, define, and
create new learning designs in an increasingly complex business environment. We
have to translate the designs into incredible pilots and implementation plans.
We work on evaluation and follow up while being pulled into the next
priorities. Classroom expertise is being supplemented and replaced by
multimedia skills. Training requires a performance management perspective.
Business outcomes are as important as individual development. All of this has
to be achieved in half the time and half the cost of last year."
." ASTD 200 will give
you an opportunity to stand back from all these day-to-day pressures. . Your
time in Dallas
will refresh and extend professional and technical knowledge. You can design
your bench mark tour of some of the best practices in the world in one
location. You have access to the latest and broadest range of learning
technologies. You can extend your network through the global reach of
There were over 200 sessions
to choose from. Every session was of a full 90-minute duration. Several
parallel sessions went on and at any given time there were about 20 sessions.
There were only three plenaries in the entire conference. The sessions were
called as educational sessions. Each session started on time and closed on
time. No full papers were distributed and every session had a power point
presentation or other multimedia presentation. The session outline was
distributed to those who attended the session and only summaries were presented
to all delegates in a conference book form. Some sessions were audiotaped and
others videotaped and tapes were sold at the end of the session by ASTD at
unaffordable process for those who don't have dollar money. There was no free
coffee, tea or cold drinks at any given point of time except in the STD night
where each delegate is supplied a free drink and the second one he/she had to
I am first giving below the
trends in the papers presented followed by the other lessons.
and Training Trends: Current thinking and issues reflected through the Papers
The following section is
devoted to present an overview of the trends emerging in the current HRD
related thinking as reflected in the various papers presented in this
conference. No attempt is made to describe the detailed inputs from these
papers. The author found most papers to be shallow and limited relevance to
Indian corporate. For example a well titles paper like "Global HRD
Leaders: Competencies and Best Practices, Job Tools and lessons learnt"
presents details of how to use a Global Training and Development Readiness
Inventory and function as global trainers and coaches and very little on global
HRD leaders. However the trends reflected by the various papers are of
significance as they give a flavor of HRD thinking globally. To give a flavor
of the Conference these are presented in some detail.
The papers centered round
the following themes:
Development: Papers and Trends
The papers on this theme
focused on:
The best practices in Multinational Corporations;
Enhancing employee retention and career development;
Executive coaching as an alternative to training;
360 Degree feedback across cultures;
Love them or lose them- how to get god people to
Succession management- growing, developing and
sustaining leadership people;
linked individual and career development;
Grooming High potential managers to achieve
competitive advantage;
Electronic career development centers and the like.
Some of the sessions
attended by the author have given very little insights. Most of the suggestions
are commonsensical or have limited application to Indian settings.
A quick look at the various
papers indicates the following trends of thinking in career development related
Career development is considered a service for
individuals plan their careers and not for organizations to plan the careers.
Organizations don't seem to plan careers.
Succession planning is an area of major concern for
many firms for retention of talent as well as for manning positions
360 Degree Feedback, Executive coaching, training,
leadership development interventions, grooming high potential managers for
higher responsibilities, career counseling, career information etc. are treated
as career development related interventions.
The sessions on this
focussed on issue of corporations operating globally as well as cross-cultural
issues and trends in Training from different regions of the world. The topics
covered by the papers included the following:
The competencies of Global HRD leaders;
competency model for customer service in Peking
and Paris ;
Developing international negotiation skills;
Training in Europe ;
Training in Latin America ;
Training in Asia ;
(Mr. S. Chandrasekhar of L&T ECC presented a paper on this)
Developing training models for international
engagements from Middle East ;
Identifying effective cross cultural leadership
Developing outstanding services across global
Y2K learning stories debriefing for global learning
Using virtual teams to develop global leaders, and
Methodologies for blending culture in mergers and
The papers in this section
are a series of stray papers and are not well connected. They provide very
little handle for any interested global manager. They do give an idea of global
training practices. However a sample of the sessions attended have shown the
presentations to be of a primitive nature with very little useful information.
There does not seem be any great innovations happening globally on the scene.
and Trends in Performance Management or Human Performance Improvement
This is probably one of the
best and most useful themes of the lot. The topics covered by the papers had a
variety. Most of them have treated performance from various angles. Performance
improvements seem to be another refreshing approach that has put training in
anew perspective in the US .
In late seventies and early
eighties the ASTD and other Training and Development Managers started using HRD
as new substitute name for Training and Development. This was unintended to
enhance the scope, relevance and impact of T&D. Training was repackaged as HRD and was given
a broad base. In the last few years this training focussed HRD seems to be
getting refocused as Performance Improvements. This is in tune with the global
emphasis on business results and the bottom line. There is an increased
awareness for the need for business results, meeting competition, growth and
sustenance. It is now taken for granted that Training cannot exist in isolation
and it has to be serving the purpose of contributing to organizational
performance. Hence the new approach seems to be to talk about performance
rather than to talk about T&D. However while focusing on performance, bring
in appropriate T&D and if necessary other interventions. Thus, in the
opinion of the author of this paper, the conference papers reveal a newly
packaged product in Performance Improvements. This product is a refreshingly
new product though not totally new. It has all the components of the
performance appraisal or performance development systems envisaged in mid
seventies by companies like the L&T in their open appraisal systems (which
were also called mistakably by their line managers as the new HRD systems in
those days). The only difference is that they focussed on appraisals more than
performance and the new trend is to remove appraisals and focus on performance.
The systems are more or less the same. There is no room for appraisals and
ratings. The starting point is performance standards, measures, and
identification of factors that block or enhance performance and removing the
blocks and strengthening the performance through appropriate interventions. To
facilitate this there seems to be anew breed of Consultants and Managers called
as Performance Consultants or Performance Managers They are more concerned
about performance improvements and much less about ratings, comparisons,
incentives and rewards etc. The same is revealed in the kind of papers
presented and the nature of books published by ASTD and the consultants with
the titles like the Performance Management, Performance Improvements,
Performance Technology, Performance Consultant etc.
Thus performance management
in a way is a new approach to strengthen the relevance and utility of training
and development activities. With increased emphasis on the ROI on training the
US Training and Developing Managers seem to focus on training for performance
improvements. Instead of approaching training form a narrow perspective they
have begun to focus on training for performance improvements and are using
performance improvements as the starting and closing points. This enhances the
salability of T&D. so performance Management program is newly packaged
combinations of T&D and performance appraisals.
The trends reflected by the
papers are noteworthy and there are lessons to be learnt from these. The author
does believe that packaging is important and it serves many useful purposes and
the first of these is the language used communicates more appropriately the
intent and the focus. Thus it matters a lot whether you call a system a
performance appraisal system or performance management system or performance
improvement system. Even if all of them have the same components the emphasis
is likely to be different and it matters a lot. This is what one may have to
learn from the trends in the papers presented at the ASTD convention. The paper
titles are interesting and may give some new insights into the Indian HR
The themes covered include
the following:
Performance consulting;
Influencing line managers to want performance solutions;
Gaining stake holder recognition as a performance
Emotional Intelligence : getting the heart of performance;
Aligning Business Performance the ultimate
performance consulting goal;
Duracell's Global HR to focus on performance: a case study;
internal turf wars: one organization one performance improvement process;
Using your Head to improve Workplace performance :
unleashing the power of the whole brain thinking;
Performance consulting: Basics, barriers and
How to deliver quick and accurate performance
analysis results every time;
The strategic use of measurement in human
performance improvements
The sessions included in
this theme are:
Interactive On-line learning, Using Games and
High Impact Low Band width Multimedia your system
administrator will love;
Information Technology, Critical thinking and Human Performance;
The Future of On-line learning;
Asynchronous distance learning for Corporate
Education : Experiences with Lotus learning space;
Blending technology and the classroom;
Implementing Intelligent 3-D web based learning
No more slide shows make your on-line presentations
more dynamic;
Emerging Copyright Trends in Multimedia: protecting
Work Product and respecting rights;
All I really need to know leant in knowledge Hubs;
Knowledge Management in Virtual space;
Building a virtual learning network- IBM virtual
learning case study;
A Taxonomy of planned interactions for web based
Distance Learning powerful technologies for more
memorable messages;
Best practices in performance improvements using web
based Enterprise Learning Management solutions;
Integrating metaphor and technology for team
training and organizational effectiveness;
Skill training leverages video streaming to span the
These sessions are the most
useful for those interested in virtual learning. They have offered a variety of
the thinking going on this field. The sessions demonstrate that we have a long
way to go in using web-based training in India.
the Training and Learning Function
Unlike in the past there is
very little happening on the new technologies of training. Probably the field
is saturated. The focus seems to be understandably on virtual learning as
indicted in a separate section for this. There is continued emphasis on learning
environment, learning organizations etc. There were also a few papers sharing
experiences of stray innovations in training technologies and management. The
titles of the papers reflect the trends. It is noteworthy that in a T&D
Conference there were so few papers dealing with T&D technologies. There is an understandable emphasis on the
returns of investments in training and measurement of the training
effectiveness. The papers dealing with these issues are separately presented
below. The following is a list of most of the papers presented in this section:
Reengineering of training practices - case study of
Chase Manhattan Bank;
impact of education and training investments;
What is keeping your CEO up at night?
Professional Development for trainers : flexible,
personal and organized;
a multimedia learning consortium;
Make the work place a learning place: The power of
enterprise wide learning;
Creating a strategic training plan;
Linking Business strategy to learning technologies;
Project management Disciplines for Effective
Why very little learning happens in the learning
organization etc.
and Evaluating Training and Performance
The following are the
titles/themes covered by the papers under this section:
Overcoming the fear of ROI;
Taking Evaluation into the 21st Century:;
Linking Evaluation to organization learning systems;
Measuring your OJT: Getting your hands around hands
on training;
Evaluating different media type training programs;
Measuring performance and identifying barriers to
improve performance;
strategies for measuring learning;
How to ensure higher training output;
A recipe for measuring training impact- a dose of
reality and a pinch of wisdom;
performance management with score cards;
Training economics and alternative approach to
Training ROI;
Leadership equity measuring the effectiveness of
leadership development;
measurement custom tailored solutions designed to meet business objectives;
Indian corporate needs to be
concerned about their returns on training. It is necessary and useful first to
estimate the expenditure or investments in training and then plan measures to
improve the ROI.
The papers presented again
in this section are perhaps one of the most useful ones for performance
improvements. Most of these sessions were attended by large number of delegates
indicating that the OD related issue have become prime focus issues and
organizations are looking for managing change and getting both short term and
long term benefits from OD interventions. Most leading consutants like Ken
Blanchard were seen presenting papers on the themes including leadership and
change. The OD emphasis seems to be on a variety of issue like team building,
top level leadership development, creating new OD roles like the Knowledge
manager, Learning Facilitator etc.; cultural transformation; change management
to. The titles of the papers presented include:
Creating a High-Trust culture, Change tools for
Performance and Accountability;
Building a
knowledge bridge- how world class teams capture and transfer learning;
A picture is worth a thousand words: Conversation
kits for building Alignment and involvement in transformation;
Contributing to the future: the role of training in
Mergers, Acquisitions and Down sizing;
Energizing your organization in times of extreme
Igniting and sustaining systemic change;
Integrated approach to leadership;
Building a passion driven organization;
Tapping your organization's hidden assets;
Chief Learning officers and Chief Knowledge
Converting dysfunctional work group into high
performing team;
Leadership development and at Samson Electronics;
360 Degree Feedback skills versus style;
Business Transformation by knowledge management
Knowledge Management for Performance Technology and
Human Resources professionals;
Real teams at the top: the real time break through
in organizational performance;
Converting a dysfunctional work team into a high
performing team etc.
There were a few sessions on
leadership and leader behavior. The sessions that prominently figured include:
How to make your leadership development program a
best practice
How to Best develop Leaders: Learn and Practice How
Colgate Palmolive develops Sales executives
Leading with presence: Dynamic Communication skills
for business leadership
Five-star leadership: The art of creating Leadership
at Every Level
New Dimensions of Leadership by Ken Blanchard
There are however no knew or
earth shaking ideas from these sessions. They all dealt with very familiar
themes. Perhaps this field is also
saturated and we need some fresh thinking on leadership for the 21st century
when the world is changing so fast.
place issues
The session in this stream
dealt with a number of work place issues. Some of these issues cut across all
cultures. The topics covered below indicate the kind of issues dealt with. Some
of these are issues for trainers and training interventions.
Training's role in creating innovative and people
driven organizations
Compassionate communication: language for a win-win
How to build and coach a successful team in a
changing environment
Taking recognition to the next level in your
21st Century workforce: Are you ready?
Forming mentoring relationships: trend or a tool?
Travelling trainer: How do you field work/life
Using Orientation to leverage initial investments in
Employer of choice: the role of work place in learning
Life balance for both individual well being and
organizational retention
Championing and gaining commitment to your
Outsourcing: Increasing capacity through
Business learning: Game plan for employee success
through Business ;literacy
V*commerce: Bottom line results through value based
Championing and gaining your company's commitment to
There were a few sessions
devoted to basics of training the topics covered in this stream are presented
Strategic needs analysis
How to teach adults in a fun and exciting way
Creative training and consulting techniques: 17 ways
to create materials, programs and get results
Distance learning
Evaluation: How to get started
Ten strategies to win management support for
The Art,
Rhythm and Creativity in Business : a practical approach to bringing
more creative thinking and innovation into your job
How to facilitate distance learning in 2000 and
Knowing They know: How to make sure participants
apply their learning
Project management approach to course development
Laughter as brain -based teaching strategy
How training helps build your brand
Learnt: Author's Observations
There are many lessons that
could be learnt from this conference.
The lessons may be divided into the following categories:
1. Trends in corporate concerns reflected by the
nature of papers that have implications for CEOs, line managers, consultants,
and all forms of HR professionals (Training and Development Managers, HR
Chiefs, HRD Managers). The major concern worldwide appears to be in the
following areas:
Leadership and cultural change including how to cope
up with the changing world. Organizations are trying out all kinds of
interventions to cope with and manage change. Developing leadership
competencies and team building strategies is the most important focal point.
Team building continues to be a major concern
Distance learning, virtual learning and work place
learning are gaining focus. Cost effective methods that do not take the
employee from work place are being experimented with.
Retention of intellectual capital is becoming a
major concern. Employee retention continues to be an area
Promotion of learning and competence building are
given extremely high importance. Creation of new roles like Chief Learning
officer, Chief Knowledge officer is the new tool.
Increased emphasis performance consulting,
performance management and performance coaching are seen everywhere. The
literature of this is growing.
Work on improvements of training technologies, ROI
on training, aligning training with business etc. continue to get attention.
ASTD 2000: Pre-Conference
full days were devoted to offer preconference workshops prior to starting of
the conference. Although they are heavily priced they are always over
registered as each one of them take only about 100 participants. There were
several two-day conference workshops as well as one-day workshops. The
following are the themes on which these workshops were offered:
were six two-day workshops offered. These included:
Creative training
techniques: 37 ways to deliver training with greater impact and results
(Two were offered one of them for Graduates of creative Training techniques
Training Directors lab focussing on needs
assessment, evaluation and training transfer to create bottom line results
Organizational Alignment to Improv3 Company wide
Changing role of training manager
Creative training techniques to for distance and on-line
were 15 one-day pre-conference workshops offered. These included:
Measuring Return on Investments in Training and
performance improvements
Designing and developing web based instruction
Leading with presence: Dynamic Communication skills
for Business leadership
Improving learning performance using games,
simulation Exercises and Interactive Exercises
The interventions workshop; performance Booster (focusing on 50 performance improvement tools
and skills development as a performance consultant)
20 Ways to become a consummate team facilitator
Making cultural transformation work: cultural
transformation tools and models
Regaining organizational credibility: techniques for
rebuilding Trust at work
Swinging cycles and dancing spirals: cutting the
edges in organizational transformation (focusing on how to manage each stage of
the evolution of any organization)
The accelerated learning model: Designing effective
Learning Interventions
Five star leadership : The art and strategy of Creating leaders at every level
Coaching mastery: Releasing discretionary employee
The top ten characteristics of a value based
The Instructional design workshop
Emotional Intelligence workshop
Conference within Conference
is another interesting concept used by ASTD to cater to those who would like to
have specialized in-depth knowledge in select areas. The Conference within
Conference is a set of full pledged one or two day conferences organized along
with the main conference. The venue for these conferences is normally in
another place other than the main convention center. This year there were the
following themes focussed:
One day Conference Focusing on Consultants there
were seven sessions in this Conference organized Hotel Hyatt. The sessions
dealt with themes like: The Consultant’s love hate relationship with the
organization; avoiding legal and landmines in consulting; Contracting and
negotiating win-win contracts for long term success, selling your consulting
services, burn-out: preventing shining stars from becoming shooting stars;
Creating virtual partnerships etc.
One day Conference focusing on Financial services.
The themes covered include: Sharing best practices within financial industry;
Real-time learning; aligning training to corporate strategy; Maximizing the
skills of call center representatives using orientation to certification
methods; Action coaching- the secret weapon of America’s Top banking
executives; Creating an on-line education center for Finance sector executives;
Remodeling sales and service solutions; mentoring of dedicated platform
representatives working as a team through mentoring; Technology delivered
training for financial institutions;
Effectively aligning your new employees to your financial institutions
corporate culture; Lading a team of
learning professionals successfully at the Chase Manhattan bank and creating a
recipe for successful mergers and acquisitions.
The One day conference on the best practices of
leadership development focussed on the following themes: Research and theory
behind the best practice leadership development programs; learning and practicing best practice
coaching; How the best develop leaders: learn and experience how Colgate Palmolive develops
Sales executives globally
The Two day Conference on creative training
techniques included the following themes
and sessions: Tricks for trainers; Organizational alignment to improve
company-wide results; Warming up techniques; Diversity Game- a fun look at
styles; Red hot handouts; Changing role of training manager; creative training
techniques for web based training; High impact visuals and interactive learning
activities; High impact visuals and interactive learning; Ten ways to make
quicker and better decisions; Dealing with difficult participants
A special Two and a half day conference on “Digital
collaboration “ was also a highlight of this section. Participants needed to
pay an additional fee for this Conference organized in collaboration with MASIE
Center. There were no specified sessions for this conference. The focus was on
issues like: creating processes in our organizations effectively deploy and
manage digital collaboration technologies; developing digital collaboration
skills and technologies in managers and workforce; altering the customs and
rituals of organizations to move towards e-commerce; best practices of using
digital collaboration technologies like Group ware, Web based meetings, Virtual
Conferences, E-mail., Collaborative project management, E-learning; Web enhanced
customer support and learning, Instant messenger, GPS based database and mobile
This is another interesting
concept used by the ASTD without any cost to itself. The discovery play ground
is an opportunity created for the delegates to learn and experience most recent
developments in training or learning technologies by experiencing their actual
use and experimenting with attempts to create own modules etc. opportunity was
provided to exhibitors to the conference to conduct actual learning and
experience sessions on the exhibition floor to provide experiential learning to
participants. The guidebook says…” The
Discovery playground provides you with an overview of how your profession is turning
change into profitable advantage. Interact with brand new and emerging
technologies, and see how they shape the way you live and work in the future.
In addition attend the lab sessions and get an in-depth view of these emerging
technologies. “
These are essential web
based learning technologies and helped the participant to experience
developments in relation to virtual learning.
Government and Leaders' Rooms
There were special rooms
allocated for International visitors, government Delegates (in the Government
Room) and Leaders of professional bodies in the (Leaders Room). These rooms
were found to be full of activity. Each room had a special volunteer of ASTD to
guide people. There were ample amounts of free tea, water and coffee available
in these rooms with large display Boards where the participants could pin their
visiting cards, requests, pamphlets etc. to attract the attention of others
they are interested in meeting. For example the international room was used by
delegations from different countries to fix up times for the meeting. Each room
had a variety of take away pamphlets of ASTD in abundance.
Expo is a great attraction
of the event ASTD 2000. The Expo was opened only on the third day of the
five-day conference, thus giving opportunity for the delegates to spend two
full days in the conference without distraction. Once the Expo was opened it
provided a wonderful opportunity to learn about various events and services
offered. As the services offered is also a reflection of the ongoing
organizational requirements, it is highly educative. The most impressive and
striking feature of the Expo is the innumerable number of exhibitors who are in
the business of e-learning and virtual learning. A large number of organizations seem to work
on distance learning and e-learning. A number of them are willing to offer free
web sits and collaborations. You need to have content to talk. They are ready
to come in and assist. There was atlas a
hundred such firms on IT applications. This participation is in tune with the
fact that the knowledge industry is the second largest (750 Billion Dollar
Industry) in the USA. Similarly there
are more than a hundred small consulting firms specializing on various aspects
of Training and HRD. The themes represented by them are as follows:
Assessment tools
- about 50 firms
Bench Marking - 3 Companies
Publishing - 15 firms
Career development- 8 firms
Change management - 20 Firms
Colleges and universities - 7 of them
Communication skills - 13
Computer based training - 28 of them
Continuing education - another 10 of them
Distance learning - 30 of them
Games and simulations - 9
Leadership- 27 of them
Learning Management Systems - 2 of them
Web and Internet based training - about 50
Course ware design - 10
Organization development - about 12
Performance appraisal and management - about 10
Professional development - about 23
Project-management - 12
Sales Training - 20
Software applications- 13
Surveys - 7
Team Building - 26
Technical skills training - 13
Trainer training - 13
Training facility - 7
Miscellaneous specialization's including
Audio-visual Aids (30, Authoring systems (60; Business development (3);
Business process redesign (2); CD rooms (5); Coaching (4); Conflict management
93); Corporate training and universities (20); Electronic performance support
(10; Employee retention (1); Employee selection (3); Executive search (1);
Experiential learning (2); HR planning (2); Intellectual property protection
(10; ISO 9000 (1); meeting facilities 98); mentoring (1); Mergers and
Acquisitions (1); Multi rater feedback (10;
presentation skills (4); Problem solving (7); Recognition awards (1); ROI on training (3);
Safety training (1); self-esteem
facilitation (1), senior friendly customer service (1); teleconferencing (10;
Training administration software (20; Training retention (10; Video
Conferencing 910; Web conferencing (20; Web Internet career management
(2); writing skills 940
The second most important
feature is the participation of all professional bodies in the exhibition
although it is an ASTD convention most of the other societies have put up
stalls paying as much as 15,000 dollars each to disseminate information about
themselves. There is apparently no hesitation in putting up stalls. There were
stalls of the American Management Association and the Society for Human
Resources Management (our parallel of NIPM) etc. The OD Network and OD
Institute were represented by their experts taking sunrise sessions to present
their work. For example the editor of the HRD Journal published by the Academy
of Human Resources development was there to give a sunrise seminar on the
publication. This is being promoted by ASTD.
Another notable feature is
the presence of Universities setting up distance education programs and also
those selling or disseminating their work. For example it was pleasure to see
the Harvard Business School-publishing house to be in the Expo.
All top level trainers and
authors have their set ups and consulting companies. These were all present.
They were normally manned by their associates but occasionally people like Ken
Blanchard was there to sign their books. Some of the famous persons who have
their stalls exhibited are given below.
The following are some of
the exhibitors
Professional bodies
American Management Association
American Society for Quality
Balridge National Quality program
NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral sciences
International Society for Performance Improvement
Society for Human Resources management
Universities, Business
schools and Publishers - a select list
Cornell University
Harvard Business school Publishing House
McGraw Hill
John Wiley & sons
Jossey Bass- Pfeiffer
Prentice Hall
Greenwood Publishing
Nova South Eastern university
Penn State University - world wide campus
Rice University
Rochester Institute of Technology Part Time
enrolment services
Saybrook Graduate
School and Research center
University of Maryland University college
University of Nebraska-Lincoln distance education
University of
Tennessee executive education
University of Wisconsin Learning innovations
Walden University
Top Professionals and their
companies- select list
Block Petrella Weisbord, Inc
CCI Assessment Group
Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises
Franklin Covey
Hay McBer
HRD press
Human Dynamics
Kepner Tragoe
Ken Blanchard group
Nelson Motivation Inc
Will Schutz associates
Tom Peters Company
Wilson Learning world wide
Consulting companies
Arthur Anderson
Price waterhouse Coopers
Bell Consulting Group
Dale Carnegie training
Development Dimensions International
Disney Institute
Consulting Psychologists press
Other Indian sounding but
not so Indian Exhibitors:
Reliance Training Networks
Reedy Go Incorporated
Galli Motivational Theater
Saja Software
Simba informations
Suleimann Tarr and
Government Participation
that surprises a visitor
United States Office of Personnel Management
A special stall was kept to
sell all the publications of the ASTD. The bookstall was a special attraction.
ASTD must have sold thousand of books in this conference. A special shipping
cell was organized by the ASTD to ship by FedEx or other ways. The strategy
used by ASTD is to promote an author by providing for his session, selling his
book in the ASTD stall, getting the author to speak in the convention and
arranging him to sign the book and organizing a meet the author sessions. This
provides for a good deal of income for ASTD.
Sessions and Sunrise seminars
Another interesting feature of the conference
was the Sunrise sessions organized by ASTD. This is a good promotion tool but
it appeared as the most educative tool. For example one of the sessions was for
those interested in joining the benchmarking Forum of the ASTD. Another was for
those who are interested in writing for ASTD Journals and newsletters. Chat
with the author sessions was also organized in the morning.
at Four
During all full days of the
conference there is a forum at 4.00 p.m. This is supposed to be forum for
professionals. Although the sessions were conducted similar to the other
education sessions the forums a four are more interactive and informal. This is
another useful concept.
43 Countries participated.
Country wide delegate's list was put up. There is a fee e-mail and Internet
service. About 15 terminals were provided. Perhaps this is the only thing free
though there were queues for sending e-mails.
and Tourists
Since the convention center
is a big center and one has to walk about a kilometer distance from one room to
the other if they are too much apart, there is an well-organized volunteer's
service to guide and direct the persons. The volunteers seem to know
everything. Hey were very helpful and specially trained for the conference.
With 17,000 delegated placed
in various hotels it became necessary to transport hem. The bus service was a
very well organized service with a bus every 15 minutes to 30 minutes from each
hotel to the convention center and back, all though the day.
organization: lessons to be learnt
The conference is an
extremely well organized conference. Managing 17,000 delegates without any
problem and issue is a creditable tribute to ASTD. Everything went by the clock
precision. There was no room for complaint. Every one seems to have done their
job. No free coffee, tea, lunches dinners or drinks. The participants are to
manage their own time including tea breaks etc. 30 Minute inter-session break
time was provided for coffee, tea, lunch, reaching the room from one corner to
the other (in some cases a kilometer walk between two rooms). If a hall is full
a Board in front of it says that the hall is full and you may like to go for
another session at that time. All presentation handouts are distributed during
the session as power point presentations. No more promises made. If you want
the full speech pay $16.50 for the audiotape or
$ 59.95 for videotapes. Order in advance and they will be delivered on
the last day. ASTD Books are exhibited at the ASTD store and they may be
Special space and timetable
is provided to meet the authors of books. The books of these authors were
available on sale and the authors are scheduled in the program at a specified
place and time for signing their books. In several cases hundreds of delegates
could be seen standing in Q to get the book signed by the author. ASTD sold a
large number of their publication during the convention. Authors took pride in
signing their books and the delegates felt happy to meet the authors and get
the book autographed.
No sessions seem to have
been cancelled. All paper presenters came and presented. The audiovisual
systems were perfect and have performed with extraordinary efficiency and
precision. Speech recognition software was used and projected in the plenaries
on the screen so that any one having problems with accent could read on the big
On the whole it was
wonderful experience to be at the ASTD 2000 at Dallas.
Learning Managers and Chief Knowledge Managers
from some of the papers presented at ASTD)
The Davos World Economy
Forum conducted a survey of how the US CEOs look at the future. The survey
revealed that 94% of the CEOs mentioned that globalization as a priority area,
88% mentioned knowledge Management as a priority area, 79% stated that reducing
costs is a priority area, 78% mentioned that creating global supply chains us a
priority area and 76% mentioned cross country optimization of manufacturing as
a priority.
Knowledge Management is
defined by Anderson Consulting as "The systematic process of acquiring,
creating, capturing, synthesizing, learning and using information, insights,
and experience to enable performance". In this way, knowledge management
is the engine that transforms ideas into business value.
In another definition, KM is
defined as the new discipline of enabling individuals, teams and the entire
organization to collectively and systematically create, share, and apply
knowledge to better achieve the business objectives.
According to some authors KM
is not a HR, IT or other domain but a strategic business development issue.
Organizational learning is a parallel process:
a continuous and strategically used process. A learning organization is an
organization that learns continuously and thus transforms itself. There are no universally accepted definitions
of these terms.
According to one estimate
made by Dr. Dede Bonner, President New Century management Inc, USA there are
likely to be anywhere between 50 to 250 Chief learning Officers and Chief
Knowledge Officers in the world. This is growing. Some of the organizations
having such titles include:
Bank Boston
Ernest & Young
Ford Motor Company
General Electric
Prudential Insurance Company
Sun Microsystems
US West
Pillsbury Xerox Corporation
British Petroleum
Other titles like Managing
Partner of Knowledge Management (Anderson Consulting); Director of Knowledge
Management, Knowledge Coordinator, Knowledge facilitator, Knowledge leader, KM
Consultant, Senior Knowledge librarian, Learning Coordinator, Learning
specialist, Organizational Architect, Director of Organizational Effectiveness.
Vice President Knowledge Management is also known to exist. They draw between
$80,000 to $ 750,000 a year in terms of salary.
Chief Knowledge Officers
(CKOs) are the focal points to leverage the organizations' knowledge into
tangible business results and to gain competitive market advantage.
Chief Learning Officers are
the focal points to leverage an organization's learning into tangible business
results to gain competitive market advantage.
These positions are new, the
responsibilities are evolving gradually and duties vary among different
Sample of responsibilities
for CKOs and CLOs include:
Strategic planning at the highest levels of the
Ability to integrate diverse groups and work across
all functions; develop the culture; build awareness of knowledge management or
organizational learning.
Design and implement a knowledge and or learning
infrastructure to tie together corporate databases, employees' tacit knowledge
and paper files.
Consulting activities, organizational effectiveness
Work closely with CEOs
Dave Ulrich and team in
their most recent book on "Leadership for results" (HBS, 1999) have
outlined the following four skills for the CLOs:
The CLO knows appreciates and influences business
strategy including customer relationships and financial performance
Understands the nuances of making change and applies
the change
Understands the essence of information and knowledge
management and creates an organization in which learning occurs
Maintains focus on training and development but is
sensitive the entire array of HR practices.
for building the next generation Leaders rests with the CLOs CKOs.
The CLOs and CKOs perform
multiple roles like that of a Consultant, Entrepreneur, Technologist,
Environmentalist, and a Champion of knowledge and Learning. The roles and responsibilities are gradually
evolving. It is in many cases a strategic as well as a possible informal role
for the HRD professionals. This role represents a unique and historical
opportunity for HRD managers to influence senior managers, impact the company's
bottom line and build professional credibility.
required include:
Visionary outlook;
Strong people orientation and interpersonal skills,
Familiarity with technology and best practice
Experience or capability in strategic thinking'
Familiarity with knowledge management tools or the
newest learning methodologies
Strong customer service orientation
High level of flexibility
The conditions for the
success of these roles fall into two categories: organizational values ad
organizational systems and structures. On the values front, supportive senior
management, rapid expansion mind set, culture of high trust, belief that
knowledge and learning offer competitive advantage and customer
orientation. The organizational systems
and structures include a good IT systems, integrated HR, IT and business units,
strategic planning systems, measurement tools and standards.
It is estimated that KM is a
7.2 Billion-Dollar market in the US (Dataquest).
KM involves getting people
to disseminate best practices, measuring results. 2 out f three are people
issues and KM deals with these.
Performance Technology (PT)
Knowledge management and HR professionals seem to be synergistic roles.
It is high time probably to
give a new life to HRD, at least in some organizations, by abolishing the HRD
roles and creating a new agenda for change and competence building through CLOs
and CKMs. The hope is that at least through title changes the lost focus on
learning can be brought back. This of course need not apply to those HRD
Managers who are doing excellent job already in promoting learning and
competence building.
The NHRDN Conferences held at Bangalore and Hyderabad have many strong points. One of the things I liked most in Bangalore conference was their doing away with mementos and instead donating that money to educate poor children. In both the conferences I am sorry to see no academic papers were presented. The quality of presentations in Hyderabad conference in most of the sessions I attended were good. The time given is also reasonable. This was followed by a research conference at MDI and I must appreciate that it is based on research and time given as per the schedule I have seen is very adequate.
Many B-schools are holding HR Conclaves. I suppose mainly to get HR fraternity to visit their campuses.While this is a good placement strategy, some people like me get easily trapped and discover that no one pays attention to what you say and not even the students as most of them are busy receiving dignitaries and taking care of them. I would rather prefer to visit these B-Schools and spend a day or two giving lectures to students rather than visiting them in the name of HR Conclaves and return dissatisfied. The most inconvenient thing I find is carrying the big fat mementos they give which lose meaning after some time.
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