Center for Leadership Research and Development (CLRD): An Update
Promoting character, Integrity, and values in professions for future generations)
I am happy that the Center has started functioning from 1st October. I am giving belwo some details as they evolved so far. This note is a modified version prepared by a group working on the center at Aurora Business school from where the center started functioning. TVRLS has provided the first fellowship and Ms. Aparna Gannu has joined the center as TVRLS Fellow and started working on the case studies from mid October.
Need for the Center and Purpose
The center (CLRD) aims at essentially to promote character and values in professionals in all professions like Management, HR, Law, Medicine, Teaching, Public services, Government services etc. and particularly prepare youth to be leaders with high values.
It is intended to be a research, development, documentation and dissemination center. It does not undertake any paid consultancy but takes up sponsored research. It stands for dissemination and promotion of values through a variety of interventions with schools, colleges (Law, Medicine, Nursing, Universities, Management, Social work, Engineering etc.). Income generation for it is through sponsored research projects and donations. Any sponsor will be acknowledged. Commissioned research and value development experiments will be undertaken. All accounts and financial dealings are intended to be transparent and open.
People committed to the cause donate their time and talent for this center and already several professionals have volunteered. There may be a few full time voluntary staff whose Fellowships will be paid by the center for their subsistence at reasonable rates (like those paid for Lecturers, Researchers and retired professors).
The most important objective is to develop values like Integrity, Character, Concern for Society and its Future( Extension- Udai Pareek's) in Professions like Law, education, Management, Medicine, Public Administration, Governance and civil services and continuously discover and disseminate about people and processes that promote the same in various organizations and society at large. It is expected to be started in Hyderabad and eventually it should spread all over the country
Let us evolve it together and create a healthy society for our future generations to live.
Center for Leadership Research and development - CLRD is a next generation research Center that provides a platform for the young minds to do research on leadership in various sectors. The Center is mentored by Dr. TV Rao, a former Professor of IIMA and Founder of various HRD Initiatives and Institutions. The idea of the Center is to provide new perspectives to our present-day understanding of leadership.
The objectives of the center are:
• To research the scientific aspects that contributes to leadership with special focus on character and values.
• To understand the tenets of leadership in all the professions
• Disseminate the knowledge acquired to create a prosperous society
• To experiment with innovative ways of promoting character and values as bases of leadership in various professions and settings.
Research Projects at CLRD:
We are looking for young minds to work with us in building a research base about leadership and help in understanding the idea of leadership both qualitatively and quantitatively.
1. preparing case studies of vale based leaders in medicine, Teaching, Government, NGOPs, Business and various otehr fields
2. Study of sources of professionalsim and vlaue development among different professions- what contributes the development
3. Testing Situations: A documentation of testing situations faced by value based leaders
4. Values across generations; A study of value profiles of people across various generations
5. Impact of media on values; How values are being developed or eroded by the media: TV, Videos, You Tube, Intenet etc.
6. Social netwroks and their role on leadership development
New thoughts are welcome
Expected qualifications:
• High social commitment and research inclination
• Taste for interdisciplinary subjects
• Understanding on research methodologies
• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
• Communication skills (documentation skills)
The selected candidates are expected to work on the project for 6-12 months from our campus in Hyderabad. Dr. TV Rao and a group of renowned academicians will mentor the students. A stipend in the form of fellowships will also be given to the students during their research. The fellowship may range from Rs. 10,000 per month to Rs. 25,000 per month. The Fellowships are being provided by those interested in promoting value based leadership (Honesty, Integrity, service orientation (extension motivation), initiative and Professionalism) in various professions. The first two fellowships have been given by TVRLS (T V Rao Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd.). The terms and conditions for awarding fellowships are being worked out.
Selection Procedure:
You may work as one of the following categories:
A. Full Time Fellow (with fellowship)
B. Full Time Fellow (Honorary)
C. Part Time Honorary Fellow
D. Student Researcher (students may undertake this as a student project for a specific period)
E. Sponsor Member ( Those who sponsor fellowships and offer other forms of guidance and support)
F. Mentor (to guide others and be available for mentoring the fellows and volunteers)
G. Volunteer (others who are interested in working for the center but may not fir into any of the above categories)
Those interested in working with the center may send a copy of your resume to with subject as CLRD. Based on the credentials presented in the resume, a telephonic interview will be conducted and the shortlisted candidates will be called to Hyderabad for a personal interview. The selected candidates will be intimated shortly after the interview. Please allow time to respond to your request.
Future Plans
The Center will eventually be developed as an Institute (Institute for Leadership Research and Development -ILRD) with its own facilities. The Institute will have a larger mission and vision of contributing to the welfare of the society.
The Center started functioning from October 1st from Aurora College. Aurora College has provided space for the center to start working. A few students from Aurora College have already joined as volunteers to work on this project. Students from other institution are welcome.
Aparna Gannu has joined as the first fellow from October and started working on various initiatives. The team has already prepared a list of Doctors, Lawyers, and teachers etc. who need to be contacted to get a listing of Value driven professionals in various Professions. It is planned that CLRD will bring out the stories of at least a hundred professionals from Medical and teaching Professions and from Government Service to begin within the next six months.
Those who know leaders who meet the following criteria may please send your message on the face book (CLRD) giving the name, address, e-mail ID if you have one, and other short details of any people who are role models for others;
Criteria to be called a Value based Leader in any filed:
1. Maintains high level of professional ethics
2. Demonstrates high professionalism and Integrity (Sincere, Honest, speaks the truth, trustworthy, keeps appointments, honors commitments, )
3. Demonstrates service motive and demonstrates concern for the client, customer, public and people in need and not greedy
4. Rated by service users and other colleagues as reasonably competent in his filed
1 comment:
This is a great initiative. It would be great if you could involve some way by which those not residing in Hyderabad could be a part of the project...
Thank you
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